Change is Good…

18 Oct
In light of my 23rd birthday yesterday, I thought I would make a HUGE change in my life, and get a new blog. Surprised It’s taken me awhile, but I finally did it! I will still be posting pictures on here, so don’t totally desert this place. Enjoy the new blog though!

The Miracle Worker

12 Oct
 Last night I was watching an old black & white movie called "The Miracle Worker." It’s the story of Helen Keller, a girl who was both blind and deaf as a result of a terrible illness when she was younger. I try to imagine what life would be like if I was both blind and deaf, and I simply can’t. Needless to say, this girl didn’t understand anything about the world around her and she was basically a terror to live with at home. Her parents finally just had enough, and found a teacher for Helen. A young woman, named Annie Sullivan, who was partly blind herself, came to live with Helen, and tried to give some meaning to her life. She was tough with her, and Helen fought back because she wasn’t used to be treated this way. Helen would keep reaching for her mother and wouldn’t let Miss Sullivan touch her. Finally, her parents agreed to let Miss Sullivan take Helen for 2 weeks to a remote cabin in the woods where she would be able to train her 24/7 without any interruptions. For awhile, Helen fought her, and just wanted to feel her mother’s touch. Finally, Miss Sullivan gained Helen’s trust, and she was able to work with her. She would let Helen feel an object, and then she would spell the word- using sign language – into Helen’s hand. Because her sense of touch was so strong, Helen was able to pick up the hand motions very fast. However, it had no meaning to her. Everything Helen would touch, Miss Sullivan would be right there signing the word into her hand. She got so frustrated because it was just not "clicking" with Helen that objects had names. As a teacher myself, I could feel Miss Sullivan’s frustrations right along with her!! When a child simply does not understand a concept, and you try every which way to explain it to them, it can get pretty frustrating! However, thankfully, that is not the end to the story. After her 2 weeks with Helen was up, Helen was a lot more obedient and disciplined, but she still had no understanding about the world around her. Miss Sullivan put it something like this, “Obedience without understanding is no gift.” Well, once Helen was back in an environment that was familiar to her, she began testing Miss Sullivan to see if she would treat her the same way as she was treated in the cabin. She had a temper tantrum at the supper table and threw a pitcher of water all over Miss Sullivan. Well, her teacher marched her right outside to the pump to fill up the water pitcher again. As she was pumping the water out, she did the same thing she always did when she was with Helen. She spelled the word “water” into Helen’s hand as Helen felt the water pour into the pitcher. Suddenly, Miss Sullivan knew something had happened. Helen dropped the water pitcher and just began feeling the water. She signaled to her teacher to spell the word “water” again. Miss Sullivan did, and Helen signed it back. Suddenly, she went wild, running all over the yard touching everything in sight and putting her hand out for Miss Sullivan to spell the word into her hand. SHE HAD FINALLY UNDERSTOOD!!! Such joy was on her little face!! Her parents came out crying and hugging her. She went back to her teacher, and pointed to her as if asking her, “What is your name?” Miss Sullivan spelled “Teacher” into her hand. Oh my, I had tears in my eyes when Helen finally understood that objects have words and meaning! I can’t begin to express the joy a teacher feels when her student finally understands what she has been trying to teach them! To see your student’s eyes just get wide, and a smile light up their face, you feel such excitement down deep inside you! When they remember the name of a letter and the sound it makes, when they write their letters the correct way…simple things, yes, but yet, its the FOUNDATION to everything they need to know about life! And when they finally get it…WOW! It makes all those frustrating moments worth while! I admire all that Annie Sullivan did. She opened up a whole new world for Helen – a girl whose future seemed so bleak at first. She got angry and frustrated with Helen many times, but she NEVER gave up on her. She knew she could do it. With one simple word “water”, she was able to put the whole world in Helen’s hands. What an inspiring story that is for all of us!!! Even when things seem impossible, never give up!! With God ALL things are possible!!

Here is a link to the end of the movie, if you want to see the ending for yourself. By the way, does anyone know if you can upload youtube videos on here??? If you can and you know how, please pass that information along to me somehow!! Thanks! 

Renaissance Fair

7 Oct
On Saturday I went with a couple of girls to the Renaissance Fair. It was definitely a unique experience! We got to see some jousting tornaments, acrobat acts, people dressed up in *cough* interesting outfits, have the delightful mix of incense and cigar smoke waft around our noses all day, and, of course, visit many many jewelry stands and shops. After going to Bloomsburg fair for the past 3 years, this was something different for me to go to…however, I don’t think this will become a yearly tradition like Bloomsburg fair has turned out to be! (except for this year cause it was rainy when we tried to go) There were a lot of WEIRD things and WEIRD people there…if that is how things were back in the Renaissance time period, I am glad I was not a part of it! And the ladies’ dress, well, let’s just say I would never take my brother or Dad there Disappointed But altogether, it was a fun day with friends…I was in desperate need of a "social life"Open-mouthed

September 11

12 Sep
After a whirlwind day in the elementary Learning Center, I am finally able to calm my brain down enough and focus on what today stands for. I signed numerous check-ups today for the students, and every time I wrote 9/11 next to my initials I was reminded…for a short second before my mind was quickly engaged elsewhere…of the significance of this day. At the end of July, a bunch of single girls went to NYC for the day, and we had the opportunity to have a Ground Zero tour. It was a rather long tour, but it opened my eyes and reminded me once again of what happened 7 years ago on this day. A real sobering moment for me was going through this World Trade Center gallery and seeing this wall…
This long wall was literally covered from top to bottom with pictures of people who died on that tragic day. It is one thing to see a list of names…which we did….but pictures make it seem all the more real. These were REAL people with REAL families. Close to the end of the tour, we actually got to hear one woman’s account of that day. She had actually been inside the North Tower when the plan hit. She was only a few stories under where the plane hit the building. She went out into the hallway, not knowing what had happened, and the hallway was just covered in black smoke. She then told us an interesting story. Apparently, back in August, she had had a life threatening experience in the Trade Center. She had gone in the elevator…I believe she worked on the 82nd floor…and suddenly the elevator just started falling. She thought she was certainly going to die. Somehow a guy was able to push a button to stop the elevator, or she would have certainly died. When she told her family, who lived in Poland, about this experience, they decided that they were going to organize a "thank mass" at their church in Poland thanking God for sparing her life. Well, anyway, on this day, September 11, as this lady was trying to decide what to do and was extremely afraid thinking she would surely die, she remembered an email that her sister had sent her the day before. Apparently, her family had been having trouble setting up a "thank mass", but had finally been able to schedule it….on September 11. She said that the fact that she knew her family was in Poland thanking God for sparing her life, gave her enough peace and courage to be able to run out in the hallway. She then took the stairs and went down 82 flights of steps. She said that it took her about 1 hour to get down. When she finally made it out of the building, she had no idea what was going on. She ran over to a group of people who were standing near the towers taking pictures. When she saw that they were taking pictures, she thought for sure everything was under control. However, she then told us that something inside her told her to leave, to get out of the area. She said that she began running toward Brooklyn Bridge. Not 5 minutes after she started running, she looked back to see the tower collapsing to the ground. If she had stayed where she had been, she would not have survived. I just sat there spellbound listening to this story. I had never heard a first-hand account like this about September 11 from someone who actually EXPERIENCED it. It was definitely an eye opener for me. God definitely spared her life on that day! I heard other stories during the tour about lives who were saved on that day. People who should have been working in those towers but for some reason or another were late or in another area. I don’t know why that day had to happen, but I know that God was definitely in control even though the world seemed to be in total chaos! However, although the day, September 11, tends to have a negative sound to it, and we remember tragedy, I also remember rejoicing. In 2000, a year before the World Trade Center tragedy, on September 11, I was saved! God spared my life on that day! I had been struggling for a long time, knowing that I needed to be saved, but not quite sure I was ready to trust the Lord alone for my salvation- What if He doesn’t save me? What if I am the only person He doesn’t want to save? However, my eyes were opened that day, when Pastor Hammett preached a chapel message on knowing God’s will for your life. When he made the statement "It’s not God’s will that you remain lost another day!" something clicked inside of me. After the message was over, I talked with Kristin Hammett, and she showed me the verse, "For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." I knew then that there was nothing holding me back now. God wanted to save me! He wanted to forgive me of my sins! I wasn’t the "only exception" to this wonderful free gift of salvation! Later that day, in math class, I was so excited – can you imagine how hard it was to concentrate on math concepts!!!?? Tongue out – I remember Mr. Anger looking at his watch to see the date and saying something to the effect of, "Well, I guess September 11 will always be remembered by you!" Of course, I readily agreed, but little did I know how that a year later, that date would not just be remembered by me, but by the entire world. Yes, September 11 can be viewed as a day of tragedy, but I would like to think of it as a day where God saved and spared many lives! This is a special wall outside the World Trade Center Gallery in NYC dedicated especially to the firemen who were killed trying to save all those people that day, but it is a great reminder to me, and to everyone….
May we never forget!
May we never forget the many people who sacrificed their lives on that day, but also, may we never forget the price God paid when He sent His only Son to die for our sins – MY sins!



From a Brother’s Perspective…

27 Aug
I wanted to post about this before I forget Wink …and, Andy, if you are reading this…hahahahahahaha! Tongue out When Elizabeth and Cherie, my two friends from New York, were at my house, Elizabeth and I decided to redecorate my chalkboard outside my room. We were having fun and being goofy so we made it look like this:
And see…we even admitted that we were strange girls and we were kindly warning the rest of my family and anyone else who happened to pass by to BEWARE of us. Tongue out
*Side note – Beelzebub is one of the many spiders I tortured and killed in my room as I was cleaning in anticipation for my friends’ arrival. I was trying to feel the slighest bit of shame so I told him to R.I.P…guess that makes up for the way I treated him before he died Sarcastic*
Anywho….I go past this board countless times each day and you know how it is…once you get used to seeing something, you don’t really notice it anymore as you walk by. Soooo it took me awhile before I noticed that something had been added to the board:
 Yes, that would be my loving brother’s handwriting saying, not once, not twice, but 5 times how very strange we were! How rude! Baring teeth
And in case you didn’t see it in the previous picture…notice he even added 999999 into infinity (or however you say it!) I mean, we weren’t THAT bad Wink But I guess there are worse things a brother could do to you…like blowing you with a leaf blower for example…..
But just so you know….he never did actually turn it on Tongue out I was prepared though!! 
There is another *small* point to this blog besides the fact that I wanted to point out how loving my brother is! Smile It was really weird starting off a new school year today without him! He now goes off to college separate from us Sad How sad! However, I don’t think he was too mournful this morning!! Wink Me thinks he enjoys the college life!!

First Day of School!!!

26 Aug
I can’t believe the first day of school is over already! It feels like only yesterday I was starting my first year teaching…now I am an "old pro" starting my second year teaching (hahahahaha Wink) Today went really well. I was definitely more relaxed than I was last year. I guess because now I know that even though they may not "get it" today, tomorrow or the next, they WILL get it eventually! Even so, the children were soooooo excited to be starting Kindergarten today! Everything we did or anything I said was met with such enthusiasm. Smile After we went through the classroom rules and the jobs for the week, I played a fun game with them called a photo scavenger hunt. I had taken about 30 pictures of things and parts of things around the room previously and printed them out. I showed them a picture and they would go around the room trying to find where the picture matched in the room. That game could have probably gone on forever! I then read them a book called The Kissing Hand and we did a fun art project where they got to get into their "painting clothes". I painted their hands with the colors of their choice and they put their handprints all over the paper. After the paint dried, they glued this poem onto the paper.
My First Day of Kindergarten
It’s my first day of Kindergarten
and I’m thinking of you.
I made these precious handprints
So you will think of me, too.
It’s my first day of school
and The Kissing Hand is what we read.
It’s about a raccoon
Who did just as his parents said.
Like the raccoon’s first day at school
I was scared and a little shy.
But because of what you said
I was brave and I got by.
All through the year
I’ll make things for you.
So as I change and as I learn
you can witness my growth, too!
So altogether I think the children enjoyed their first day of Kindergarten. I definitely have a very energetic threesome who will definitely keep me on my toes, but I am looking forward to a great year together!!!

Philadelphia Fiasco

13 Aug
Many of you may have seen the pictures from Philadelphia that I had taken back in March when my family went for the day. Well, this past Saturday we went again because my two friends from New York were here and they had never been to Philly. I was excited to show them the sites and it was definitely a beautiful day. We headed off on the train around 9:50 am.
See the somewhat tired and excited faces? Wink We were still recovering from the Majesty Music conference that we had been at for the past two days. Well, we got there and things were going good. We got to see the Liberty Bell and other museums. We started heading to Rotten Ralph’s for lunch (yes, it is called Rotten Ralph’s but the food is really good Smile) When we got there, we all ordered our Philly cheese steaks, and my friend, Cherie, commented, "I am going to do a Becky thing now and take a picture of my meal"Tongue out Well, Elizabeth had just taken a picture of the group so I was like…hey!! I’ll take a picture too! I reached into my purse and discovered…..MY CAMERA WAS NOT THERE!! At first I didn’t panic because I thought it might be on the floor next to my purse because I couldn’t remember if I had been holding it separately. When I couldn’t find it, then I started panicking. Everyone started to help me look under the table, and everyone double checked to make sure they didn’t have it on them for some reason. After we had an unsuccesful search, my Dad headed out and backtracked to the museums we had been at to see if he could find it. I was really upset, but I was like, Dad is going to find it…Dad is going to find it. I wasn’t about to give up hope yet! Well, when he got back with empty hands I about lost it. Now, to some of you this may not seem like a huge big deal, but if you have looked at my blog AT ALL during these past few years, you will know that my camera and I are very good friends. We have done LOTS together. Not only was I missing my faithful friend, but I also had tons of pictures on there from the week I had spent with my friends and pictures of the Majesty Music Conference (ie: Patch the Pirate…it was my FIRST time seeing him) Needless to say, I didn’t enjoy my lunch whatsover…it felt like lead in my stomach…though it does look good at the moment…Tongue out


 A yummy meal…hard to swallow though with a lump in your throat Crying


 Minutes before I discovered my camera was missing….notice the smile on my face? *sigh*

Well, anyway, after we finished our meal, we decided to all backtrack to the places we had been and see if we could find it. I had taken a picture at the one museum and I remember saying that I didn’t like that there was a flash on the picture, but that is the last time I remember anything about the camera. The next place we had gone to, I had sat down on the bench, but I don’t remember having my camera out at that place. We searched all over, we asked those in charge, and then we decided to move on because there really wasn’t much more we could do about it. Eventually, when we headed back to the visitor’s center, I asked two separate times if anyone had turned in a camera, but…nada. Let’s just put it this way..after I talked to the people in charge at the visitor’s center, and they told me they didn’t have it, I had a rather emotional moment. Crying I was pretty upset, let me tell you. It was rough, because I felt like I was ruining everyone’s day, but I just didn’t feel like smiling! For the rest of the day, my mind was just swirling, thinking about all the pictures I had taken, and all the pictures lost, and wondering how I could be soooo irresponsible to lose a camera??!! I mean, I have absolutely NO IDEA how this camera could have disappeared. I would have noticed if I had dropped it, and even if I didn’t, my Dad was walking behind me and would have noticed. THIS IS JUST REALLY IRRITATING, PEOPLE!! *calming down now* We have tried calling the Ranger station and my mom finally got through to a person today, so I am hoping *crossing fingers* that somehow, somewhere, somebody has turned it in. But I am just glad that my friends had also taken pictures! (Thanks Elizabeth for sharing your pictures with me Wink) Its not the same as having your own pictures, but at least the memories are still there Smile So I have had to say goodbye to another faithful friend…I know I could always get another one, but this camera took pictures of my dog, of my family, of my daycare and Kindergarten kids, vacations, birthdays, holidays….*sigh*…we have been through a lot together!

my camera

Little did I realize that this was one of my last times with my camera *sniff*


Unfolding the Rose

4 Aug
I found this story and thought I would share!

A young, new preacher was walking with an older, more seasoned preacher in the garden one day and feeling a bit insecure about what God had for him to do, he was inquiring of the older preacher. The older preacher walked up to a rosebush and handed the young preacher a rosebud and told him to open it without tearing off any petals. The young preacher looked in disbelief at the older preacher and was trying to figure out what a rosebud could possibly have to do with his wanting to know the WILL OF GOD for his life and for his ministry. Because of his high respect for the older preacher, he proceeded to TRY to unfold the rose, while keeping every petal intact…It wasn’t long before he realized how impossible it was to do so. Noticing the younger preacher’s inability to unfold the rosebud while keeping it intact, the older preacher began to recite the following poem…
It is only a tiny rosebud,
A flower of God’s design;
But I cannot unfold the petals
With these clumsy hands of mine.
The secret of unfolding flowers
Is not known to such as I.
GOD opens this flower so sweetly,

When in my hands they die.
If I cannot unfold a rosebud,
This flower of God’s design,
Then how can I have the wisdom
To unfold this life of mine?
So I’ll trust in Him for leading
Each moment of my day.
I will look to him for His guidance
Each step of the pilgrim way.
The pathway that lies before me,
Only my Heavenly Father knows.
I’ll trust Him to unfold the moments,
Just as He unfolds the rose.


An Electrifying Experience

18 Jul
It was a typical end of the evening for me on Monday night. I had just finished a humorous conversation over MSN with my friends in New York and was getting ready to turn in for the night. Because my room gets so humid and "sticky" over the summer months, I basically always have a dehumidifier running in my room. Well, my fan and my dehumidifier share the same outlet, and I turn on my fan at night because if I don’t have SOME air in my room I probably would  drown in sweat in my bed. (Don’t worry there is a point to this blog entry…bear with me a minute! Wink) Anyway, I wanted to keep my dehumidifier running during the night, so I moved the thing across the room to an outlet that actually wasn’t being used (the ONLY one not be used) Well, I had to move this dresser out of the way because the plug just wasn’t cooperating for me. I tried pushing the thing in and it just was being stubborn. Finally after a few moments of frustration the plug went into the outlet and for the next few seconds I thought it was the 4th of July again. Sparks were flying out of the outlet and I mean not just these little tiny sparklets, but these were REAL sparks flying. I though for sure the dresser would catch on fire or something. And I am sure all of you are just dying to know how I reacted during these brief horrifying seconds……..of course, I was calm, cool and collected…how could you doubt that for a second? Surprised I was busy admiring the white and yellow fire sparks as they came out of my wall. It reminded me of the sparklers I had lit on the 4th of July and I kept wondering WHY????!! did we have to spend money  on fireworks when I could have them for FREE in my room???!! I was literally screaming with delight!! Rrrrrrrriiight!! Oh I was screaming, but it was NOT with delight let me tell you! And if any of you know me…the quiet kind of girl I am (hahaha) I was QUITE out of character for those brief seconds…as I was jumping up and down screaming my head off for my Dad. Well, I discovered something that night. When I scream in my room downstairs, no one can hear me upstairs. There are certain parts in the basement where you can be heard, but I discovered NOT in that part of the basement. Sooooo by this time, I had stopped screaming (I think Sarcastic) because the sparks had finally gone away and I ran upstairs to get my Dad. He was already in bed but after telling him, in a rather shaky voice,  what had happened, he came downstairs to investigate. He got the plug out of the outlet with no difficulty. We were both perplexed by what had happened. It had tripped the breaker, of course, so nothing was on in my room. He was able to flip the breaker back on and thankfully everything seemed to work (at the moment at least) So it was smelling rather "burnt" in my room, but after standing there a few more minutes, everything seemed under control sooooooo I went to bed with much fear and trembling wondering if I would be burnt to a crisp come morning from an electrical fire (I am such a postive thinking person, can’t you tell? Tongue out) Thankfully, I survived the night (obviously). The next morning I tried starting up my computer but NOTHING.  I was in a rush so I headed off to work. While there, I msned Andy about my computer dilemna, and his encouraging words to me were "Oh, you probably fried it last night" THANK YOU, ANDY!! Just what I needed to hear. Well, I got home and we tried turning it on again and nothing happened. I was asked by my Dad and Andy if I had backed up my files and I was like….nooooooooooooo. See, I am not necessarily computer illiterate or anything (wellllll, I guess compared to some people I am Wink) but I guess I had developed such a special "bond" with my computer, that I thought it was infallible and would never fail me. (hahaha) Well, I was quickly losing my trust in this "faithful friend." They brought the computer upstairs and thankfully, when plugged into another outlet it worked fine. Andy backed up my files for me (such a loving brother!). I was definitely relieved that it was fine because I had a whole bunch of school stuff on there that I had spent a lot of time on and didn’t really want to lose. Well, to make a long story short, my computer has a temporary home on our dining room table. Its kind of interesting having two computers a few feet away from each other, but it will work for now. Hopefully, next week we will have someone come in to look at the outlet to see whats up with it. All the other outlets worked fine afterwards except the one my computer was hooked up to….figures. Well, this has all been an electrifying experience, let me tell you! We are still not sure why the outlet started sparking like that, but it definitely taught me never to plug anything into an outlet again (just kidding Smile….kinda *sigh*)  Hopefully it will all get straightened out soon!
*commercial break*
Right now I am enjoying an iced mocha that Andy made for me. Thanks to Mrs. Pierfy, Sarah Anger, and now my brother, I am getting addicted to mochas Wink I know, I know…that isn’t the REAL stuff, but baby steps, baby steps, people Smile 
*commercial break over*
Before I end this post and go drink some more mocha Tongue out, I want to leave you with two lovely AFTER pictures of this electrifying experience! I realize it could have been a lot worse. God was definitely protecting me!

IMG_6415                    IMG_6416



Journal #4 – Thursday, June 19

23 Jun

Thursday – Today after breakfast we headed out to travel to Natural Bridge which was about 2 hours away. When we got there, we went down into the woods to see the Natural Bridge, which as the name says, is a bridge that was formed naturally by rock. Of course, we know that it was really formed SUPERNATURALLY by God probably during the flood! After we took a number of pictures of the amazing bridge we continued on a walk in the woods. We soon came upon an Monacan Indian village display in the woods, and I found my future home (hahahahaha…gotta see the pictures!) We continued on in the woods, saw some snakes on the ledge, and ended up at a waterfall at the end of the trail. However, the water in the creek was rather low so the waterfall wasn’t really that terrific. We headed back to the Natural Bridge, took a few more pictures, and then headed back to the main building. Andy and Alayna took the steps up to the building, but Dad, Mom, and I took the bus Open-mouthed When we all got back to the building we went to the cafe for lunch. I had a cheese steak which was actually really good. It was flat bread, steak, cheese, peppers and onions toasted in the oven and then topped with lettuce, tomato and mayonaise…yum!! I also had a Mountain Dew and chips (which Dad and Andy ended up eating for me!) I am sure you all find this so interesting! After browsing around the gift shop and taking pictures with a rather large stuffed bear to see how tall we are (gotta see the pictures!) we headed out. Our next stop was the Virginia Safari. Was that ever an experience! It is over 180 acres of land filled with camels, emus, ostriches, deer, llamas, antelope, pot-bellied pigs, zebras, bison, wildebeest and I am sure I am missing a few animals (or just don’t know the names of them!) You drive along and they are just roaming around free. Well, many people buy food for the animals and feed them along the way. We didn’t buy any food…but the animals didn’t know this (at least not right away!) The animals come right up to the windows of the car and just stare at you with those sad eyes to see if you are going to give them anything. We definitely put our windows up fast when the camels and llamas approached. These animals know that when the window is down that means you have food for them. Unfortunately we had to disappoint many animals, but there were plenty of other cars feeding them! After we finished the “safari drive” we headed into the “safari village” which was basically like a mini zoo. Let’s see, we saw monkeys, flamingos, turtles, tigers, kangaroos, birds, goats (baby goats!), and giraffes. Andy, Alayna and I got to feed a giraffe! That was fun! You bought a handful of food, held your hand out straight, and the giraffe just ate out your hand. Their tongues feel just like sand paper! We also got to pet a baby kangaroo, better known as a joey, of course Wink After we were done in the village, we headed out. On the way back to the hotel, we stopped at Cracker Barrel for supper. When we got back to the hotel, we rested for a bit, and then played some rousing games of Dutch Blitz, which Alayna won hands down. *sigh* We then headed next door to Tastee Freez for some ice cream. This is the place we had tried last night but it had been closed. After we finished our ice cream, we decided to be snoops and go across the street to the fancy inn to see what we could see. We got a glimpse of the inside front room. It looked pretty fancy! We got a picture in front of it to appear like we belonged there (hahahaha) When we got back to the hotel, we had yet another rousing game of Yahtzee. And guess who won tonight?! MEEEEEEEEE!! Tonight I actually got 2 Yahtzees Surprised That made my night Party After the game was over, we started packing up. We are leaving tomorrow morning. We will be heading to Grandma’s house again and spending Friday and Saturday there. So basically our official vacation is nearly over. That is just soooo sad! It has definitely been a fun week together as a family Open-mouthed Lots of laughs and TONS of pictures to prove we had fun. Wink